When It Comes to Our Overall Well-being, Conventional Rules Were Made To Be Broken.
There’s No One-size Fits All Approach To Health And Well-being.
Photo credit: Picture was taken by Jennifer Falat from Jennifer Falat Photography at the Barrington White House during our February MsBusinessAssociation meeting.
Elyse Wagner and I met a couple years ago through our women’s networking group, the MS Business Association and quickly discovered that we had plenty in common. So, when I was brainstorming who I would like to interview for our Rodina Botanicals Detox+Wellness series this year, it was no brainer; Elyse was going to be one of the ladies that I wanted to shine spotlight on. And so the two of us met at one of our favorite local coffee shops, and doved in.
Anita: Elyse, thank you for joining me this morning. I always like to start by asking folks about how, when, and why their adventure began. I know you very recently transitioned from your role as Co-Founder & Chief Wellbeing Officer of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy to now transitioning to bringing well-being to the world through your programs and products. First of all, pardon my ignorance but what the heck is a Well-Being Educator and Advocate and why did you decide on this new path?
Elyse: Thank you for having me, Anita.
Many people ask, “Elyse, how and when did you get into this?” Since the age of 13, I’ve always had a deep curiosity around health potential. I wondered why some people, even those with access to information and evidence at their fingertips, didn’t make lifestyle changes for the better even when they knew it could lead to living a healthier, happier and more meaningful life?
I questioned why some flourish with change even in challenging circumstances and others struggle significantly. This ignited a passion within me that continues to burn brightly.
I’ve always been multi-passionate about: food, wellness, coaching, reading, leadership, lifestyle, psychology, entrepreneurship, creativity, spirituality and holistic medicine. Turns out, your passions and strengths are the unique ingredients that make your health recipe unique to you!
Winding Road…
My health journey has been a winding road with serious health set-backs and several failed attempts at overhauling my lifestyle and trying to reach over-the-top health and weight loss goals.
From each of these experiences, I realized just how frustrating, confusing and overwhelming making simple changes can be. It also became clear that health isn’t just about food, weight-loss or exercise.
There’s a holistic, whole-person, personalized approach for all that doesn’t fit into a box or code. I want people to understand that there’s a unique lifestyle for them that they can create and they don’t have to struggle, be confused or stuck any longer. They can create health and well-being for themselves, right here, right now. It doesn’t need to take expensive trial and error, tons of time, or lots of money.
What if you had the ingredients within you right now?
You just need a guide and roadmap to show you how to put together your unique personalized recipe for health success that fits the season of your life.
Through my health struggles, I also saw a glaring gap in healthcare. There’s SO much information out there, but not many people are taking action, implementing and making sustainable changes.
So, I dedicated my life to providing education, practical tools and support to create healthy habits and a lifestyle unique to you that you love and that’s sustainable. Studying, reading and attending training after training to gain the skills and tools to first help heal myself and then teach others the same tools and techniques.
Here’s what I know for sure. There’s a personalized approach that fits you. There’s no one-size fits all approach. You don’t fit into a boilerplate plan. You need a tailored approach that works for you, that’s aligned with your specific lifestyle and vital values. And guess what - you’re in charge.
Yup - you’re the expert on your lifestyle, your body. You get to make the choices. No one else.
—Elyse Wagner
From overcoming autoimmune challenges, dietary shifts, and mental health struggles, I've transformed—from "Obese Elyse" in middle school to inner peace. Overcoming Celiac Disease led me to create a top-tier health coaching school, write multiple health and lifestyle books, and establish a digital well-being company. The proof’s in the pudding, that crafting well-being and a purposeful lifestyle is not only possible but impactful on the world.
The Conventional Rules Were Made To Be Broken.
I believe that YOU must bring your whole authentic self to the [kitchen table], taking ownership of your health and well-being so you can live a nourished life in today’s modern world.
— Elyse Wagner
This includes dialing into your unique set of strengths, your personality and values that guide your life. I believe that whether you’re creating health for yourself or helping others do the same, a nurturing, client/person-centered approach is necessary to fully understand and expand in your inner and outer worlds so you can experience the health and happiness you deserve.
From these experiences/life lessons, I continue to grow each day, expanding my own understanding about what it means to live a purposeful life of well-being.
My purpose in life is to serve. Love, passion, curiosity and creativity is baked into my company with a side of social impact to be a force for good in this world.
Anita: Wow, Elyse! Thank you for sharing so honestly about your journey. Many would probably have just given up or kept the knowledge to themselves, but I love the fact that you made conscious decision to serve and educate others to help them become empowered about their own health.
Through my own personal struggles with autoimmune disorder, I fully agree that “YOU must bring your whole authentic self to the {kitchen} table…, where the conventional rules were made to be broken ”.
Just out of curiosity, what is your formal educational background in?
Elyse: I received an undergraduate degree in Nutritional Sciences from UW-Madison, Wisconsin and set out for a dual Master’s from Bastyr University in Nutrition and Clinical Health Psychology, becoming a Certified Nutritionist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I’ve studied with the Institute for Functional Medicine and co-founded the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, the gold-standard in health coach training, training thousands of health coaches from around the world.
Anita: That’s very inspirational and impressive, Elyse! Are you ready to dive into the rest of our questions?
Elyse: Absolutely!
Anita: If there was one misconception in your area of expertise that you would like to debunk, what would it be?
Elyse: There’s so much noise around nutrition and health fads/diets. I want people to know that the BEST expert on your body and what you need, is you. You have an internal wisdom that just needs to be tapped into. There’s no one-size fits all approach to health and well-being.
Anita: These days, irrespective of one’s race, age, gender, political affiliation etc., we all are under a lot of stress, with rates of anxiety and depression being at all times high. What are your top five hacks to help one lead a well-balanced life filled with joy, irrespective of daily trials and tribulations?
Top FIVE Hacks To Lead More Well-Balanced Life.
Elyse: So,
I come back to my breath. I think we forget that we have this innate tool within us that works for us 24/7 and helps us self-regulate and self-soothe.
I ask myself what I’m feeling and what I need. Then give myself that need.
Possibiliatiran Thinking - I’m always thinking about what’s possible and coming up with a solution instead of being steeped in the problem.
I have a mantra: “All is well. Everything is working out to the highest and best good for all. I am safe”.
I drink some tea and read for a bit.
Anita: Hmm, I love all of these. I am also a big proponent of returning to our breath and get in touch with our feelings and needs.
Anita: Just to downshift for a minute, what is your typical morning routine?
Elyse: My typical morning routine actually starts the night before. It starts with something a client of mine called, “Sketch-a-day-in-reverse.” The concept is that if our thoughts become things, we can create our days. Our days are our lives in miniature. So I work backwards from the next day’s night and write out how I want my day to go and flow. Surprisingly, 9/10x things go as I planned them and wrote them out. So, my morning routine starts the night before. When I do wake up in the morning, it’s really no surprise because my body is prepared and primed for it. From there, I run my routine with some good old fashioned vitamin C and D - consistency and discipline.
The clock hits the 4:45 am alarm, the first thing I do is genuinely smile and say THANK YOU. It’s a true blessing to get up, with a roof over our heads, be in a warm bed and just be grateful! A lot of people in this world can’t do that. From 5-5:20 - I meditate, 5:20-5:40 I read or listen to something positive or growth minded and 5:40-6 I write. Typically from 6-7 I’m doing mindful chores, getting dressed, moving my body a bit etc… And I rinse and repeat this every day.
Anita: Love the idea of waking up with a genuine smile on my face and saying THANK YOU. I will have to try it out but suspect that it will become part of my daily morning routine now as well. You and I will be both smiling at 4:45 A.M..
What fills your cup and also keeps you active?
Elyse: Yoga, walking in nature and riding horses.
Anita: I must say I enjoy receiving your weekly Wednesday emails where you cover a very broad range of topics related to self-care, including your practical tips. I especially appreciated one of your recent emails about “5 Rules For Visualizing Your Future”.
Even though visualization has been used for many years by many very successful individuals, including Olympic as well as triathlon athletes, I am glad to see that it is becoming more accepted in mainstream culture. These days visualization and manifestation are huge buzz words in the self-care space and let’s face it, at times these two terms are being overused. What are some definite DO-s and DON'Ts when working in this space? Do you have some practical tips that you can share with us as far as visualization goes?
Elyse: Certainly! Manifesting is a powerful practice, but there are certain do's and don'ts to enhance its effectiveness. Here's a mini guide based on my insights:
The Three DOs of Manifestation Practice:
1. Clarify Your Intentions: Clearly define what you want to manifest. Specificity is key here and guides your intentions on the desired outcome.
2. Believe in Your Power: Cultivate a genuine belief and "I can" attitude.
3. Practice Gratitude: Express gratitude for what you have and what you're manifesting. Gratitude enhances your vibrational frequency, aligning you with positive energy. A simple, "Thank You" goes a long way!
1. Doubt and Negativity: Doubt and negative thoughts can hinder manifestation. Avoid dwelling on what you lack or potential obstacles. Focus on positive possibilities.
2. Impatience: Manifestation takes time. Avoid impatience or frustration if results don't happen instantly. Trust the process and remain patient. There's a great quote I love from ' A Course in Miracles' and it goes like this:
“Infinite patience creates immediate results”.
3. Lack of Action: Manifestation isn't a substitute for action. Take practical steps towards your goals while maintaining a positive mindset.
Remember, manifesting is a personal journey, and these guidelines can be adapted to suit your unique approach. Combine them with self-reflection and intuitive insights for a more personalized manifestation practice.
Now, moving on to visualization.
What Are My Three Practical Tips for Visualization?
Visualization is a potent tool that I often recommend for various purposes, whether it's achieving health goals or managing stress. Here are some practical tips to make visualization more effective:
1. Create a Clear Vision of the Future: When visualizing, be specific about the details. Whether it's envisioning a healthier lifestyle or achieving a particular goal, the clearer the mental image, the more powerful the impact. This is a unique feature we cover in A Nourished Life.
2. Engage Multiple Senses: Incorporate more than just visual elements. Engage other senses like touch, smell, and even taste in your visualization. This multisensory approach enhances the overall experience and makes it more vivid.
3. Consistent Practice: Like any skill, visualization improves with consistent practice. Incorporate it into your daily routine, whether it's as part of a morning ritual or a brief session before bedtime.
Remember, the key is to make visualization a personalized and practical tool that aligns with your unique approach and goals.
Anita: These are all great tips! Thank you.
Anita: For longest time I thought journaling was meant to write your diary until I discovered that there are a number of different journaling type, including gratitude journaling, art journaling, bullet point journaling, reflective journaling etc. As I know you journal regularly, what are your recommendations for someone that wants to start incorporating journaling into their practice? What are some of the known benefits of journaling?
Elyse: Embracing journaling has been a game-changer for me in fostering a deeper sense of awareness and gratitude in my daily life. The beauty of it lies in the fact that there's no one-size-fits-all approach – you can let your thoughts flow long-hand, jot down quick notes, create bullet points, or even embrace a messy yet authentic style. The key is to find what resonates with you.
Numerous studies underscore the unique benefits of the tangible connection between hand and paper during writing. The act of putting pen to paper not only solidifies thoughts but also offers a therapeutic outlet. Personally, I was initially skeptical about journaling and writing until I delved into the research, discovered the profound benefits, and decided to put them into action.
Starting small was my mantra. I began with listing three things I was grateful for either in the evening or the morning. Gradually, it evolved into a paragraph, then a half-page, a full page, and now, it has seamlessly become a cherished daily practice that I genuinely look forward to. The transformation was gradual, yet the impact on my overall well-being was profound.
To make it an enjoyable routine, I recommend finding a journal that resonates with your style, grabbing a nice pen, and keeping it within easy reach – be it by your bedside or in a prominent spot that serves as a gentle reminder. Trust me, taking that first step into the world of journaling might surprise you with the positive shift it brings to your mindset and daily outlook. So, go ahead, give it a try – you might just discover a valuable tool for self-discovery and gratitude.
Anita: I fully concur. Well, said, Elyse!
Photo credit: Jennifer Falat from Jennifer Falat Photography.
Anita: At Rodina Botanicals, we are huge fans of self-care and affectionately refer to it as METime. These days, especially after my recent yoga retreat in Costa Rica, I am more intentionally focusing on my To BE list. But let’s face it, there is still something gratifying about crossing things off one’s TO DO list. I know you recently released your Self-Care & LifeStyle Planner. This planner is a work of love for you, loaded with practical daily, weekly, and monthly tips to stay on track. Can you share a little sneak peek of what it is all about as I know it is not a compilation of TO DO lists, but so much more?
Elyse: This planner is not just about To-Do’s -it’s about prioritizing YOU and your self-care and well-being. We can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s a movement, a philosophy and a lifestyle. It’s really a way of thinking and being about your life so you can integrate all parts of you together - because we’re not separate. I introduce a concept called Wonderstorming where you can really think holistically on a monthly and daily basis about what in your well-being needs to be prioritized today.
This planner is for you if YOU:
Want 5-7 more hours back into your life!
Want to link daily habits and actions to bigger goals.
Know self-care is important, but struggle to carve out the time and keep your word to yourself.
Pour all your energy into caring for a child, parent, partner or business instead of you first…
Want to let go of the “mental load” that comes with keeping track of everything in your head.
Here’s what I know for sure from practicing and planning my well-being for 6+ years. When self-care is scheduled and you’ve got a personalized plan in hand, your dreams become a reality.
Anita: I think many of us can certainly benefit from using your planner. I know I am enjoying it as I am more productive, efficient and intentional with the most precious commodity, MY TIME. I must admit that despite all the amazing technology at our fingertips, I am still old school when it comes to planning out my time. Planning intentionally your personal time and life is invaluable. There is something inherently freeing when you put it all on paper, plan your next day the evening before and let go of it. Plus having a hard copy planner where I can keep all the moving parts under one roof, so to speak, is very grounding. Like you, I used to have zillion posted notes all over the place about all aspects of my life and it just became one huge hot mess. I am also a big fan of your concept of Wonderstorming. And of course, who does not enjoy crossing things off one’s list?
I know you are also planning to launch your new 12-week program soon. Can you share a little bit about it?
Elyse: Having worked with thousands of people worldwide, especially those deeply committed to health, caregiving, and high-achieving pursuits, I've come to a profound realization. Despite our awareness of what we "should" be doing for our well-being, there's a tendency to overlook prioritizing ourselves, leading to unnecessary suffering.
In the early stages of my career as a Certified Nutritionist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and entrepreneur, while navigating my own health challenges, a powerful revelation struck me – it doesn't have to be a constant struggle. We can choose a path that doesn't weigh us down. It was from this transformative journey that A Nourished Life was born.
A Nourished Life is my holistic step-by-step all encompassing system that puts health back into your hands so you can reclaim control of your well-being, break free from harmful habits, prioritize yourself, and enjoy lasting joy and freedom.
Anita: Thank you for the sneak peek. This sounds amazing!
What’s For Breakfast?
Anita: Well, you probably know what is coming next. Yes, my rapid fire questions. Ready?
You and I hit it off shortly after we first met. I think one common denominator we share is our genuine passion for healthy cooking. Among many things, we both are moms, entrepreneurs, wives, daughters, friends, wearing multiple hats while striving to navigate this thing called life in a somewhat graceful and practical manner while also making sure that we do not lose sight of who we are as individuals. What is your favorite quick, nourishing and healthy go-to breakfast when you have very limited time in the morning?
Elyse: I love this one in the morning!
Note: The above recipe is from Elyse’s Smoothie Secrets Revealed book.
Anita: Definitely sounds scrumptious and filling! I will let you know how it turns out after I make it as I am adding it to our family’s breakfast options next week.
Staying on the topic of food, I cannot resist but to ask this question. Most of us have a guilty pleasure as far as food goes. Mine are organic, rich dark chocolate and a glass of really delish red wine. What is yours?
Elyse: I love Justin’s Peanut Butter cups. Once in a while, I do love lesser evil pop-corn, but it doesn’t always love me back.
Anita: I hear yah! I also have a few of my favorite foods that do not love me back.
What Books Are Currently On Your Nightstand?
Anita: One thing you and I have in common is that we both love to read. What book(s) are on your nightstand right now and what is your favorite book?
Elyse: Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do by Dr. Robert Schuller, 1984. My favorite is You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, or my planner - because that is always on my nightstand.
Anita: We at Rodina Botanicals are about overall wellness, and especially organic, botanical and clean skincare. And I know you are very mindful about the skincare products you apply to your skin. I cannot help but to ask a couple skincare-related questions. In your daily skincare routine, are you camp facial oil or camp moisturizer/cream, and which do you prefer, liquid lotions, lotion bars, or whipped body butters? Do you have a favorite Rodina Botanicals product? If so, what is it?
Elyse: Camp moisturizer all the way! Whipped body butters!! Love the Rodina Botanicals Botanical Glow Night Cream. It’s sooo smooth - just like butter. It makes my skin feel like it’s glowing, smells amazing. It’s rich and so lux - I feel like I’m at a spa (but without all the harsh chemicals or additives!)
Anita: Thank you. It always warms my heart when I hear what Rodina Botanicals products folks favor and when they truly appreciate the fact that our products do not contain any harsh chemicals and additives.
As we wrap it up, if folks are interested to find out more about your Self-Care & LifeStyle Planner and/or would like to work with you, what is the best way to get hold of you, Elyse?
Elyse: Thank you Anita! We always have a great time chatting. Please feel free to stay connected with me. You can sign up for E W Insider where you’ll get exclusive insights, educational content, and well-being wisdom delivered weekly to your inbox every Wednesday! Hop on the newsletter: https://bonus.elysewagner.com/newslettersignup
Stay connected with me on social too: Instagram, LinkedIn, Website, Planner, or Join A Nourished Life Waitlist.
Anita: Thank you, Elyse! Pleasure is all mine. As always, I love chatting with you as well. Grateful for our time together today and good luck with your new chapter in your professional life!
Until next time,
P.S.1: Feel free to drop us a note via email or DM us if you have any questions about my chat with Elyse or any of our products.
P.S.2: And no, the two of us did not coordinate our denim outfits; it just happened organically.
in product ingredients +
Anita is a founder and owner of Rodina Botanicals. Rodina Botanicals is a maker of small-batch, organic plant-based skincare for an entire family.
We at Rodina Botanicals:
want our clients to enjoy their life to the fullest and not be distracted by mosquito bites, dry cuticles, eczema, or dry and cracked skin.
make all our products in Barrington, IL, U.S.A.
use eco- and travel-friendly packaging.