Drink Your Fruits and Veggies.


Embrace The Journey Not Just The Destination.

Neither of us remembers when we met the first time but we both agree that we recognized right away that we were cut out of the same cloth.

On our Rodina Botanicals blog, we like to spotlight strong women who are small business owners, are incredible at what they do, and are an amazing gift to our community.

Meet Loren Jaynes, the owner of Nekter Juice Bar in Barrington! For nearly three years, she’s been serving fresh, delicious juices and smoothies that brighten everyone’s day. As a proud wife and mom to three energetic boys (and two playful dogs!), Loren believes in keeping life fun and healthy.

After healing from Lyme Disease this past year, Loren’s passion for health and wellness grew stronger. She’s dedicated to cutting out anything that doesn’t contribute to her well-being and loves sharing the joy of nutritious living with her community.

Anita: Congratulations on being a healthy staple in our community for almost 3 years! What is Nekter Juice Bar in Barrington? 

Loren:  Thank you! Nekter Juice Bar Barrington is a fun, inviting spot where we handcraft fresh cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and acai bowls. I’ve created a welcoming space for friends and families to come together and celebrate healthy living!

 Anita: What is the meaning behind its name? 

Loren:  "Nekter" celebrates nature’s goodness! It represents the pure, wholesome ingredients we use in our products. Just like the nectar from fruits and veggies, we aim to nourish and energize you with every sip!

Anita: Why did you decide to open Nekter here in Barrington? 

Loren: Barrington is my hometown, and it felt perfect to share my love for health here. I wanted to create a space where the community could enjoy fresh juices and connect with like-minded health enthusiasts. Plus, I designed a large storefront to accommodate big groups!

Anita: What type of products does Nekter Barrington offer? And what is your personal favorite and why? 

Loren:  We offer a delicious variety of cold-pressed juices, cleanses, immunity shots, smoothies, acai bowls, and superfood oats. My personal favorite is the Chia Parfait, and I love our Buzz Juice for its refreshing taste and energy boost—plus, I always add extra ginger and turmeric for an added kick!

 Anita: Nekter also offers various juice cleanse options. How should beginners start? 

Loren:  If you’re new to cleansing, I recommend starting with a one-day cleanse to see how you feel. Listen to your body and drink plenty of water! I love doing a 3-4 day cleanse, typically starting on a Monday, but you can kick off whenever it works for you!

 Anita: How many pounds of fruit and vegetables does it take to make one day of cold-pressed juice cleanse? 

 Loren:  You’d be amazed! It takes about 15-20 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies for a one-day cleanse. That’s what makes our juices so packed with nutrients!

 Anita: What won’t we find in Nekter products? 

 Loren:  You won’t find any artificial preservatives, added sugars, or synthetic ingredients here. Non-GMO.

We keep it real and simple with nature’s best! We are predominantly plant-based offering housemade, cashew milk, and P protein as an option. We also have gluten-free options.

Anita: What are the top three things you avoid and why? 

Loren: I steer clear of artificial sweeteners, processed foods, and parabens (and aluminum) in skincare. These can negatively impact our health, and I believe in choosing pure, natural alternatives.

 Anita: What are your top three healthy lifestyle must-haves? 

 Loren: For my family, regular exercise, a diet rich in fruits and veggies, and mindfulness practices are essential. I love winding down with an Epsom salt bath and listening to audiobooks, like Mel Robbins' latest!

Anita: You wear a lot of hats, including being a small business owner, wife, and mother of three kiddos and two canines; how do you find time for some much-needed self-care? What is your favorite way to recharge?

Loren: Self-care is a top priority! I am actually an introvert. So, my MEtime is very important.  I make time for Reiki, Pilates, tennis, Epsom salt baths, nightly tea, and even try my hand at journaling (which is a work in progress!). Spending time outdoors with my family is also a favorite way to recharge.

Anita: What book(s) are on your nightstand right now? 

Loren: I’m currently multitasking with a few books! I’m listening to Let Them by Mel Robbins, which really helps me focus on my choices. Love the “Let Me” part to it as well :)  I’m also exploring Gene Keys for insights on human design and SynchroDestiny by Deepak Chopra, which dives into meaningful coincidences in life. Nothing is a coincidence! 😇 

“Pick your hard”.

—Loren Jaynes

Anita: What’s the best life advice you’ve ever received? 

Loren: “Embrace the journey, not just the destination.” It reminds me that life is all about the experiences we gather along the way, both good and challenging. I believe that appreciating the highs and learning from the lows is the key to growth!

I also love the saying, “Pick your hard”. Because anything we choose to do can be hard. But one has a better outcome than the other. For example, it is hard to be healthy, but it’s harder to be unhealthy.

Anita: We at Rodina Botanicals are about overall wellness, and especially organic, plant-based, natural skincare. In your daily skincare routine, are you camp facial oil or camp moisturizer, and which do you prefer: liquid lotions, lotion bars, or whipped body butters? And do you have a favorite Rodina Botanicals product? If so, what is it? 

Loren: I’m definitely team facial oil! I love how nourishing it feels on my skin, and it’s great for keeping my complexion hydrated without feeling heavy. As for body care, I really enjoy lotion bars because they're so easy to use and perfect for on-the-go. My skin, especially in the winter, is very dry, so whipped body butters are perfect.

Loren: My absolute favorite from Rodina Botanicals is the Wood conditioner.

It was a favorite holiday gift this year for my family!

Anita: What is next for Nekter Barrington? 

Loren: We’re excited about the future! I’m working on expanding our community events by introducing again our weekly “Sip & Shares” (previously Lunch & Learns) I also want to host more community events focused on health education and wellness, so we can connect with our customers on a deeper level while sharing the joy of healthy living. this includes connecting with other health and wellness businesses in the area and nonprofits. A part of healthy living is also giving back. So, I am emphasizing supporting the community and creating triple wins all around!

Anita: Thank you for your time and insight, Loren!

Note: In addition to visiting their Barrington store, check out Nekter Barrington online at Nekter Juice Bar Barrington, and follow them on Instagram.


in product ingredients +


Anita is the founder and the owner of Rodina Botanicals.

Rodina Botanicals is a maker of small-batch, organic toxin-free skincare for the entire family.

We at Rodina Botanicals want our clients to enjoy their life to the fullest and not be distracted by mosquito bites, dry cuticles, eczema, or dry and cracked skin.

All our products are made in Barrington, IL, U.S.A. We use eco- and travel-friendly packaging.

photo credit: @annkamportraits

“Blessed” Vintage Rugs