When Life Gives You Lemons, Make A Sugar-Free Lemonade!
Her Very Frustrating And Challenging Journey With Lyme Disease Became An Incredible Inspiration To Educate And Help Others.
One afternoon in early August, I stopped by my favorite local banker, Pam Koening. Pam asked me if I had heard of this new wellness store in Cary that just recently opened. My response: “Nope! Come summer, I blissfully live under a rock until beginning of September".
She suggested I check it out as according to Pam, “Rodina Botanicals products would be a perfect fit there!”. A couple of days later, I looked the store up on Instagram and started to follow them. Within 24 hours, I received a DM from the owner of the store, inquiring if I would be interested in bringing our products and samples to her shop as she was interested in potentially carrying them…and so we met.
Tami and I partnered up this September and Cary Apothecary is now one of Rodina Botanicals local retail partners that carries our products.
In our BLOG, we like to feature strong women who are small business owners, are incredible at what they do and are an amazing gift to our community.
I would like you to meet Tami Moore-Kedzie, the owner of Cary Apothecary in Cary, IL. Tami is a mother of four, a wife, a daughter, a special education teacher, a wellness coach , a cheerleading coach and now a small business owner.
Anita: Congratulations on launching your store this summer! What is Cary Apothecary? What is the meaning behind its name?
Tami: Cary Apothecary is a wellness shop that specializes in locally curated products that are inspired by promoting a non-toxic lifestyle. The meaning of the store was derived from my own personal wellness journey with Lyme Disease. I wanted to create a space for people from all walks of life to learn more about incorporating healthy changes into their everyday lives while also providing a welcoming environment to those who may be struggling in their wellness journey and just need someone to listen.
Anita: Hearing your personal health story and as someone with several autoimmune diseases, I must say I can relate to your various struggles and frustrations. Can you please share a little bit about your journey?
Tami: My journey began in 2012 when I came down with a mysterious and debilitating illness that left me hospital hopping and medication juggling. It was an actual nightmare that I don’t wish upon my worst enemy. When I finally felt confident in my Lyme Disease diagnosis, I exhausted all my allopathic medical options and turned to a world of healing that I never knew existed. This inspired me to dream of a place that would one day be able to welcome people with their own wellness journeys.
Anita: What type of products does Cary Apothecary carry?
Tami: We carry vitamins, supplements, tinctures, local honey and locally made products, hand-poured candles, loose leaf teas, essential oils, and so much more!
We source as much as we can locally, (Algonquin, Barrington, Cary, Crystal Lake, McHenry and Woodstock) and like to carry products from other women-owned businesses and artisans.
Anita: I know one of your goals for Cary Apothecary is to provide space for the local health-minded community to meet. Do you offer workshops and if so, what kind?
Yes! We have had a tea sampling and bouquet building event and we are planning two fall events which will involve centerpiece making. We also have a women’s health seminar in the near future and am in the midst of planning an essential oils workshop for kids.
Anita: Our overall well being is the result of many factors, including genetics, environmental factors, and our lifestyle. One of the main sources of illnesses is long term inflammation in our body that might stem from different sources, including overconsumption of sugar. Many of us have sweet tooth and sugar cravings. I know this is something you were able to get under control, curb and were eventually able to eliminate your sugar cravings all together. How did you manage to do that?
Tami: After all of my antibiotic and medication use, I had major gut issues especially with pathogenic bacteria and candida overgrowth. After I learned that sugar was a major contributor to helping these bad guys flourish, I decided to try to eliminate it from my diet. I started slow but eventually got all the sugars out—-even fruit, which I loved. I stuck to this for several years. Now that my gut is in a better place, I will have some berries in my diet and will occasionally have something with natural sugars like organic granola, dark chocolate, or keto clusters. However, you’ll never see me eating an Oreo or a piece of cake anytime soon!
Anita: We both are big proponents of the importance of educating ourselves about the product ingredients we consume and also apply to our skin. You and I subscribe to the 80/20 rule camp. We recognize that as much as we would love to live a 100 percent toxin-free lifestyle, in this day and age, it is simply not feasible and sustainable and that the stress of striving for 100 percent might be counterproductive. Having said that, what are the top three things that are non-negotiable that you stay away from and why?
Tami: I stay away from soda or any drink that has dye or caffeine in it except for green tea. I don’t think I’ve had a sip of soda or coffee for at least 10 years.
I also stay away from stores like Bath & Body Works and Yankee Candle because anything that smells so fragrant is probably full of toxic chemicals.
Another huge thing for me is natural deodorant. If the deodorant has a synthetic fragrance or contains aluminum, I will not use it.
Anita: On the flip side, what are the top three healthy lifestyle MUST HAVE-s that you consider non-negotiable and that you ensure to incorporate into your family’s life regularly?
Tami: 1. Probiotics for everyone in the house (DAILY for myself and I strive to get everyone in my home to take them daily although it doesn’t always work out!).
2. Epsom salts—-these are so valuable for body and joint pain and magnesium is so important for all ages—I believe you can absorb therapeutically through your skin.
3. Exercise–we need to move our bodies to encourage lymphatic drainage, mood stabilization, sleep hygiene, and for stress relief. I try to get in some form of exercise at least 5 days a week.
4. LOTS of water. I typically will up my 40-ounce stainless steel tumbler twice a day. It’s so important to stay hydrated and to continually flush out toxins. I like to add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt into my water to snatch up some extra minerals and restore balance to my body.
Anita: Many folks want to use more natural products when it comes to both their skin and personal care. Do you have any tips on how to navigate this space when it comes specifically to personal and skin care products?
Tami: If a product you’re contemplating using has a bunch of words in it that you can’t even come close to pronouncing, then it’s probably not good for you. Reputable companies will have the “simple name” in parentheses next to the hard-to-pronounce name. If I see a bunch of unfamiliar ingredients with no explanation, I’m probably not going to be buying it anytime soon.
Anita: Not only are you a small business owner, but you are also a natural lifestyle blogger. What specific types of blog posts can folks find on your blog?
Tami: I like to incorporate relatable topics on my blog which are informative and easy to follow. Topics like therapy, PTSD, health conditions, divorce, and mental health are a few that are near and dear to my heart.
Anita: You are Wellness coach, natural lifestyle blogger, mother of four, Lyme Disease survivor, small business owner and high school teacher, how do you find time for some much-needed self-care? What is your favorite way to recharge?
Tami: Finding a balance is something I’m always working on. I make sure I find time to exercise during the day by myself. I set aside a chunk of time each night before bed where I can use my sauna or my PEMF mat to decompress and get my body ready for restorative sleep. I also attend a weekly therapy session with my long-time therapist. This is my time to unload my worries and process things out loud.
Some of my favorite ways to recharge are going to a salt cave, taking a salt bath, getting a pedicure, getting a massage, or laughing with my girlfriends.
Anita: What book(s) are on your nightstand right now? And currently, what is your favorite one?
Tami: I’ve had a few books on my nightstand for several months including The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD, and The Sleep Solution by W. Chris Wynter, but the one I’ve been diving into my most lately is The Essential Oils Hormone Solution by Dr. Mariza Snyder.
Anita: What is the best life advice you have ever received?
“Don’t start solving a problem that isn’t even a problem yet.
Don’t stress, you’ll get more grey hair and wrinkles!”
—Tami Moore-Kedzie
Anita: We at Rodina Botanicals are about overall wellness, and especially organic, plant-based, natural skincare. In your daily skincare routine, are you camp facial oil or camp moisturizer and which do you prefer, liquid lotions, lotion bars, or whipped body butters? And do you have a favorite Rodina Botanicals product? If so, what is it?
Tami: Moisturizer for sure! I use a moisturizer every day with some bronzing drops, and it creates a perfect glow. I love liquid lotions, but lotion bars are so unique and last for so long! I love Rodina Botanicals MYLotionBars because they’re made with simple ingredients and lots of love!
Anita: What is next for Cary Apothecary?
Tami: We are looking into installing a refrigerated section in the store so we can carry products like probiotics and sea moss—things that need to be refrigerated for longevity purposes. The sky's the limit!
Anita: Tami, thank you for your time and sharing with us about Cary Apothecary!
Note: You can check out Cary Apothecary online at Cary Apothecary and make sure to visit their Instagram page and Facebook page.
in product ingredients +
Anita is a founder and owner of Rodina Botanicals. Rodina Botanicals is a maker of small-batch, organic botanical skincare for the entire family.
We at Rodina Botanicals:
want our clients to enjoy their life to the fullest and not be distracted by mosquito bites, dry cuticles, eczema, or dry and cracked skin.
make all our products in Barrington, IL, U.S.A.
use eco- and travel-friendly packaging.