TEN Simple And Effective Ways to Recharge.
Who does not like a great cup of tea, or coffee?
I was making myself a cup of lemon balm tea this morning. Normally I would be enjoying a nice cup of black coffee but as I am about to finish my quarterly 9-day cleanse, no coffee for me! No need to feel sorry for me though, I did it willingly. I thoroughly enjoyed sipping my cup of lemon balm in my fine porcelain cup with a matching saucer that used to be my mother-in-law and father-in-law’s until they generously gifted us one of their tea sets that I always admired. Yes, I went all the way out this morning! Why? Well, why not? My peaceful, heavenly 7 minutes of METime before everyone else woke up. Plus, the tea just tastes so much better from such a lovely, delicate teacup.
Even though I am a coffee drinker, I always enjoy a good cup of tea. Ever since I remember, when I need to make an important decision or appreciate a special milestone, I make myself a cup of delicious tea, the loose-leaf kind that requires for me to take my time, be vested in the process and be present in the moment rather than mindlessly pouring hot water over tea bag into my mug as I am about to embark on the next item on my never-ending to do list. Not this morning though. I wanted to savor my cup as I am about to wrap up my intense but very rewarding 9-day cleanse. Both my 7-minute cup of tea and 9-day cleanse are my METime.
What is METime?
Occasionally I get asked what we mean by METime. Is it self-care, self-love, etc.? To me those terms tend to be thrown around left and right without often any real substance to them, so I personally prefer to shy away from using them.
Do we mean applying skincare including our Rodina Botanicals products? Is that what we mean by METime? Well, it could be, but not necessarily. Yes, it could be the time you set aside to apply products from one of our METime gift sets, such as our calming yet fresh Wild Meadows cuticle oil or one of our luxurious Double Whipped Body Butters, while you take a few very deep breaths and relax your shoulders as those often end up practically by our ears from all the daily stress.
METime to us means the time we set aside to fill our hearts, souls, minds, and spirits again. TIME TO RECHARGE! And yes, sometimes it might involve taking care of our skin.
METime is not gender or age specific, we all need it. Where did we come up with the term? Our two boys coined the term. Yours truly is very much an introvert. I know a shocker to some, but I really am. So, any time, after I participate in an event, group outing, market, etc., I will come home and go straight to take a quick shower and take about 15 minutes to recharge so I can be fully present with my family. On one occasion as I just came home, I overheard one of our boys telling the other to let me be as: “Mom needs her MEtime!”. And yes, he was right! So now, anyone needs a little space to recharge at our house, we just call it “METime!”.
What METime means to you?
It might be time alone, but it does not have to be. I will leave up to you.
Do you need to schedule your METimes? No, not necessarily. However, in my case, it would not happen otherwise because the week will simply get away from me. I schedule my METimes every Sunday evening as I plan my upcoming week while still leaving some room for spontaneity during the week.
10 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Recharge:
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Go for a walk, hike in nature, simply move as movement helps us to reset our nervous system.
Call one of your close friends that you have not talked to for a while and catch up.
Cook a new recipe.
Bake your favorite dessert.
Curl up with a good book.
Take a few deep breaths for a minute or two. Work your way to meditating for 5 minutes. Remember it is a process. Practice first when you are calm so you can apply it later when you are stressed out and will truly need it.
Pamper Yourself to an At Home Spa Day and have it be all natural products from Rodina Botanicals.
Meet up with your close friends over a cup of tea, coffee, pint of a beer, or a glass of wine. There is not one single person in this world that can meet all of our needs. It takes a village so gather your tribe.
Dance like nobody's watching. Just Move!
Hug a loved one for at least 8 seconds. And I mean a REAL “oxytocin-inducing” HUG, not a pat on a back. Hugs not only help to us to feel safe but also reduce our stress levels and also boost our heart health.
No matter how you decide to recharge and spend your METime, please make sure your cup (mug) is full first, so you have something to pour into others! When we recharge, there is more room not only to love ourselves, but also show grace and love others with all of our imperfections. But before I go fully Brene Brown on you, we better wrap it up.
Have fun coming up with ideas for your own METime!
DM me @rodinabotanicals on Instagram or Facebook and let me know what is your favorite METime.
Until next time,
in product ingredients +
Anita is a founder and owner of Rodina Botanicals. Rodina Botanicals is a maker of small-batch, clean skincare products for an entire family.
We at Rodina Botanicals:
want our clients to enjoy their life to the fullest and not be distracted by mosquito bites, dry cuticles, eczema, or dry and cracked skin.
make all our products in Barrington, IL, U.S.A.
use eco- and travel-friendly packaging.